Dirty Socks

Årstal: 2006
Tekst af: Mikkel Christensen og Michael Christensen
Musik af: Irsk traditionel folkemusik

Dirty socks I'm on the run life is good life is fun
You and me we are here they are hunting us everywhere
Time is running, I'm not for sale, give it up it's out of scale
My socks are dirty and so is our thought, keep on running they are after us
People running everywhere, Screaming shouting we dont care
Time is running...
Its my life and I dont care, Leave me now you're not that rare
I can be a pain for you, My socks are smelly and so are you
I am good you know I am, I dont care I'll give a damn
Stay with me I'm the man, or leave me now if you can
Time is running...